Sydney > Adelaide > Ardrossan > Victor Harbor > Kangaroo Island > Adelaide > Sydney

At the end of every year we set of home from Sydney to Adelaide town. Usually we jet in and out. But this year we had the Bubbaroonie in tow and as it was her maiden Xmas holiday a decent amount of touring to show the little lass off was required...........Road Trip.
As George would say 'You gotta see the baby.'
And you do.. for good reasons.. great reasons. Scarlos fresh face seems to bring a youthful motivation to everyone. Especially our family and friends.. And us of course....
We left Sin City on the 17th of December and cut it straight through the guts of the luscious Hay plain. After a steady 846km on day one we arrived at the salubrious Motel Capri. Keen for a steak and frothy at the local serviceman's prior to an early night and in the hope that it may help keep the bed bugs from being on the bite, the car was hastily unpacked and Bubba was administered the good stuff from Ma. But something wasn't right..
It took me longer than it should have to realize it. My mind obviously already in shut down mode and focused on the solid days ahead with a belly full of Turkey, Pork, Ham, Potato Salad, Pavlova, Beer and the odd crisp Riesling followed with a hearty Shiraz once every thing else was gone (for the day)....
My bloody surfboard and the board racks were no longer attached to the top of the car.. A good dash of stubbornness mixed in with a little bit of tight arse and a sprinkle of Hayden Shaped Hypto Krypto obsession I jumped back in the car and went in search of my beloved board.
As the good wife lady reminded me I was about to go look for a needle in a "Hay" stack. Bobom shhhh.
Unrelenting, I found myself 244 km back the wrong way when I decided to give up. Resigned to my fate of a surf-less Xmas holidays and fearful of a kamikaze Roo attack during the dusk drive back to my gals, I set a slow pace along the highway with blinding high beams at full tilt....
40km into the return journey, out of the corner of my eye I found the over priced piece of foam by the side of the road. A little worse for wear, a slight ding and nicely wrapped up like the forehead splitting harpoon you would expect from a surfboard entangled with roof-racks that had flow off at 111km an hour. Homeward bound. Day one = 1334km.. I recommend against it.
Day 2..
They say that insanity is doing the same thing that doesn't work over and over again. If this is the definition. I am loco. I packed the surfboard onto of the car again after being given 'the eye' from the wife lady after suggesting that my other baby, Hypto, join us inside for the remaining 8 hours to Adelaide. First road train.. Gone..RIP Hypto.. I will always love you.
We made it to Adelaide.
The next few days saw us kick around with family and old school mates, showing off the kid and having one too many quite a few times between Adelaide, Victor Harbor, Ardrossan on the York Peninsula and Kangaroo Island for New Years. One thing I love in South Australia is the sunsets. Amazing. I always know when I'm shooting an Adelaide summer wedding that the light will be great in the PM. Sydney has the sunrise covered but Adelaide wins in spades with its sunsets. I snapped a few below.
The say a picture is worth a thousand words.. I'll let the ones below do the rest of the talking.
This is a photo journal by Todd Perry of our South Australian Xmas tour.